Pattern among the Patients Utilizing Homeopath Treatment
Md. Hashibur Rahman1,Nawzia
yasmin2,Mainul Alam Chaklader3,Khademul Insan Md. Iqbal2
1.Curative homoeo pharmacy,Molagarihat,Joypuhat
and Alfaz Medi Aid Homeopathy and physiotherapy,Azimpur,Dhaka, 2.Department of
Public Health,State university of Bangladesh, 3.Department of Community
Medicine, Bangladesh Medical College
The role of homeopathic treatment in
medical science for service of world health is immeasurable.To identify the
pattern of diseases among the patients utilizing homeopath treatment a cross
sectional study was conducted in Dhaka city from September to
December,2012.Samples of 316 purposive selected patients were included from six
different parts of Dhaka city in this study. The disease pattern for which the respondents
sought treatment from Homeopaths were Dermatological diseases(18.4%),Gastro
intestinal and Hepato-biliary diseases(17.4%0),Gynaecology and Urological
diseases(13.6%),ENT diseases(11.4%),Complaints of Genitalia in male and
urological diseases(7.6%),Respiratory diseases(7.0%),Musculoskeletal
diseases(6.6%) and Neurological diseases(3.5%),where male were more
predominant.About 38.0% of the respondents were suffering from there specific
diseases for 3.63+-3.7 years.By status of improvement about 88.3% respondents
felt better through the Homeo treatment than previous while 2.8% felt
deterioration.the different type of treatment sought by the respondents for
their present illness prior to homeopathy,73.7%reported that they sought
treatment from other options,among them mostly(95%) took Allopathy treatment.
To reduce national health cost homeopathy medicine as well as other alternative
systems of medicine may promoted.
এই study
টি SUB Journal of
Public Health -2015 June সংখায় { (“SUB Journal of
Public Health (SUBJPH)”- ISSN 1998-6076 (print) ISSN 1996-6084 (Online)-June
2015, Volume 6, Number 1, Page-29-33.(SUBJPH 2015;6(1):29-33.)} published হয়েছে।
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