বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৮ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

Compare between Anthracinum & Tarentulla Hispana in curbuncle:

Anthracinum in curbuncle:

1.These nosodes is very valuable remedy in malignant or septic inflammation of connective or cellular tissue.

2.It produces malignant ulcers;CURBUNCLES;where there is purulent focus, Atrocious burning pain as if hot coals.

3.Terrible burning with great prostration,black and blue skin of curbuncle area.

4.Haemorrhage of curbuncles are thick ,black-tar like,rapidly decomposing. Discharges are ichorus,putrid and offensive from curbuncle.

5.Curbuncle with gland swollen in all body-Cellular tissue oedematous and indurated(Hard stony swelling),Quinsy,etc.


1.Curbuncle with deep septic conditions,evacuates pus rapidly,Noma,with affects the NERVOUS SYSTEM to produce symptoms of hysteria and chorea.

2.Tarentula has also got atrocious burning pain,bluish &Purplish discolouration,cold spot of affected part,but pain associated with excitement/hyperaesthesia is its peculiarity,itching in curbuncle,as of insect creeping and crawling.

3.Violent pains neuralgias as if thousands of needles were pricking .All symptoms are relieves by music and dancing.

4.Irregular movements ,can ran better than walk ,numbness with prickling,sleepless before midnight from excitement,  Dream sad with weeping.

5.There may be aggravation by cold ,noise,Damp,Contact or touch of affected part ,but relieved by sweating,open air,music &Rubbing of affected part.


Role of IODINE in case of goiter:

1.Iodine especially acts on the glandular system. when iodine  acting on the glandular system, it leads to hypertrophy, enlargement and induration excepting the breast which dwindle and atrophy. The hypertrophy of glands is at the expense of muscles, generalized emaciation.

2.Iodine patient are dark or black hair and eyes with a low cachectic condition ,profound debility and generalized emaciation, over grown body with hypertrophy and induration of gland,

Irretable/restlessness & apprehention with forgetfulness, hot patient and glandular enlargement.

3.Ravenous hunger; feels relieved while eating and after eating ,losing flesh while eating well, loss of breath on going upstairs, pulsation all over the body, sensation of constriction squeezing especially in heart.

4.Discharges are acrid and corrosive e.g. foot-sweat, leucorrhoea, etc.

So we knows when the thyroid gland enlarged, hypertrophied and indurated with accessory symptoms are great debility, general emaciation with excessive ichorus sweating then it is called goiter. Thus the iodine is gross well remedy for case of goiter.



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